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Supporting Documents


Transparency in Medical Expense Recoveries is Needed in Florida

Compensatory damages exist for the purpose of making an injured party whole, not to enrich that injured person. When an injured party’s medical expenses are covered by insurance or government programs, the total payouts made to the health care providers should represent the upper limit of compensatory damages recoverable for medical expenses. To allow a plaintiff to recover more than what the doctors and hospitals receive in payment would permit a windfall award, which is not consistent with the fundamental principles of compensatory damages.


From: CALA


Letter to Lawmakers: Frances Dicostanza

Victim of AOB abuse Frances Dicostanza shares her story with Florida lawmakers to urge lawmakers to take action this legislative session to prevent AOB abuse from harming others.

From: Consumer Protection Coalition


Letter to Lawmakers: Frances Dicostanza

Victim of AOB abuse Frances Dicostanza shares her story with Florida lawmakers to urge lawmakers to take action this legislative session to prevent AOB abuse from harming others.

From: Consumer Protection Coalition


AOB Lawsuits Increase for 8th Year

A New Florida Justice Reform Institute Report demonstrates how AOB abuse continues to result in significant costs for consumers, all for the benefit of a few attorneys and repair vendors.

From: Consumer Protection Coalition

FJRI_AssignmentofBenefitsUpdate_ 2018Dat

Assignment of Benefits Update:

2018 Data

For the eighth consecutive year, AOB lawsuits make up more than half of all litigation filed against insurers statewide. In 2018, 18% more AOB lawsuits2 were filed than in 2017. If you compare 2018 to 2008 numbers, the percentage change is over 900%

From: Florida Justice Reform Institute

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Florida's Automobile Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Insurance Law

PIP is a mandatory insurance coverage that must be purchased by every owner or
registrant of a motor vehicle that is required to be licensed and registered in Florida.

From: Personal Injury Federation of Florida

III Report_Florida's assignment of benef

Florida's Assignment of Benefits Crisis

Runaway litigation is spreading, and consumers are paying the price.

From: Insurance Information Institute


Protecting Your Pocketbook

A New Florida Justice Reform Institute Report demonstrates how AOB abuse continues to result in significant costs for consumers, all for the benefit of a few attorneys and repair vendors.


From: Consumer Protection Coalition


Florida's Assignment of Benefits Crisis

An Update on the Abuse of Assignments of Benefits and its Correlation with One-Way Attorney’s Fees

From: Florida Justice Reform Institute


Assignment of Benefits Legal Service of Process Data

The data provided in these graphics is directly from the Department of Financial Services’ Legal Service of Process Portal. This data focuses solely on property/casualty insurance company lawsuits filed between 2006 and 2016.


From: Department of Financial Services


Assignment of Benefits Fact Sheet

A white paper containing potential solutions that limit the scope of an assignment of benefit for the protection of insurers and consumers with low cost of implementation.

From: Council of Property Claims Professionals

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